Query Payment Details
This endpoint can be called to retrieve the complete set of information stored about a payment transaction.
This includes the payment option which was used by the customer, as well as the original payment order and current payment status.
The enpoint supports search requests by either one of two reference identifiers:
txid → Which has been generated by Smobilpay for e-commerce and is returned in the response when creating a payment order
orderMerchantId → Which is the unique id created and managed by the API user and has been injected in the payment order request
URL | /api/order |
HTTP method | GET |
Request | |
Content-Type | none |
Query Params | txid - the unique transaction id returned as response of the Order Placement call. Provide this parameter or the orderMerchantId parameter. |
Query Params | orderMerchantId - the reference id generated by your system for this transaction which is also the merchantReference sent in the POST /api/order request. Provide this parameter or the txid parameter. |
Header Params | Authorization: Bearer <access token> |
Body | none |
Response | |
Content-Type | application/json |
Status Code |
Error Codes |
Body | QueryPaymentDetailsResponse - [JSON] |
Request |
GET /<path>/api/order?orderMerchantId=abc123456 HTTP/1.1 |
Response |
Data Types
In addition to the Input Data Types of the Order Placement Request, following data will be returned:
Name | Type | Description |
paymentStatus | string | Possible values: |
paymentDate | string | The date when the payment was confirmed. Format: SO-8106 like "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+0000" |
paymentProviderName | string | The name of the payment option or provider which was used for processing the payment. |
paymentProviderId | String | The unique identifier of the payment provider. |
Id | String | The transaction Id of this payment. |
payerAccountName | String | The account name of the person who did the actual payment |
payerAccountNumber | String | The account number of the person who did the actual payment |