Getting Started
Registering an account
Please follow the steps outlined in Registration for an account in the merchant portal to create an account with Smobilpay for e-commerce to continue with the steps below.
Accessing Smobilpay for e-commerce payment API.
On the merchant portal, you have a link to access to the API manager in order to subscribe to the API.
Click on the "API manager"
Sign in by providing username and password sent by email after activating the API account.
To access the Smobilpay for e-commerce payment API, there are two steps involved.
Create an application in the API manager (or use the default one).
Subscribe to the Smobilpay for e-commerce (ENKAP) PAYMENT API on the application.
Creating an Application.
On the application page, click 'ADD APPLICATION'.
Enter the application 'name' and 'description' and click 'ADD' to save it.
Subscribing to the API.
You can subscribe to the Smobilpay for e-commerce API on the application you created or on the default application.
On the APIs page, click on the Smobilpay for e-commerce payment API.
Select the 'Application' you want to use from the application drop-down list.
Click subscribe to the API.
Generating Access Token
Select the Smobilpay for e-commerce API application in the API Manager, click on generate keys.

2. After clicking on the generate keys button, you will see your Customer Key and Customer Secret.
These two keys can be used to generate your basic token used for access token generation.
Token generation URL:
This access token of type Bearer is to be included in all the request to the Smobilpay for e-commerce Payment API

Curl request to generate the key
curl -k -X POST -d "grant_type=client_credentials" -H "Authorization: Basic Base64(customer-key:customer-secret)"