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Plugin for Magento

Installing the e-nkap plugin for Magento

We assume you already installed Magento 2.4.x and configured it successfully

Requirements :

The following tools are required for the magento plugin to work flawlessly;

  • Command line (CLI) access to the magento installation.

  • Magento Version:2.4 or higher

  • Tested up to:2.4.3-p1

  • PHP Version:7.3 or higher

Installation Steps :

  1. Download the file 

  2. With command line (CLI) move into app from your Magento root. cd /path/to/magento && cd app

  3. Create code folder if missing: mkdir -p code

  4. Move into code : cd code and copy the zip file here cp /path/to/zip/

  5. Unzip unzip   

  6. Run cd /path/to/magento && php bin/magento setup:upgrade.

  7. In your Magento Dashboard go to "STORES" -> "Configuration" .

  8. Look for the tab "SALES" -> "Payment Methods".

  9. Look for "SmobilPay for e-commerce" and select it to add your API credentials.

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