Added caching layer to improve the compilation speed of the payment page.
Added support for "optional order transaction" fields via the POST /api/order endpoint. These fields are also returned in the GET /api/order response as well as in the new merchant notification email.
Order transaction status checks have been Improved, and better supports systems as well as merchant ids. Two new endpoints have been added (GET /api/order and GET /api/order/status). The existing API endpoints GET /api/order/{txid} and GET /api/order/{txid}/status has been deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
Payment Provider, Account number and name of the user who executed the payment are now displayed in the transaction history table in the merchant portal
Merchants can now opt-in to be notified after each successful transaction
Merchants can now download the Transaction History from the merchant portal
Added support for additional fields in the payment object response
Payer Account Number
Payer Account Name
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